Historically, there is an official trace of the name “spaghetto” in the first dictionary of the Italian language by Nicolò Tommaseo and Bernardo Bellini (1819).
Here spaghetto is inserted as a "singular masculine diminutive of string" and the "Spaghetti soup" is mentioned
: which are pasta the thickness of a small string and long, like sopracapellini ".
A curiosity: in 1957 the BBC broadcasts the first documentary on the production of spaghetti and the next day the TV studios
they are clogged with phone calls from viewers who ask for the names of producers and distributors of spaghetti to buy them.
Spaghetti is so versatile that it can be served with any seasoning, from fish to meat.
Cooking: 11 min - Al dente: 10 min
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