Natural extracts of herbs and spices produced by cold pressing
Heart of Ginger in Spray
All the refreshing, sweet and pungent taste characteristic of ginger, cold extracted according to tradition.
100% natural, without preservatives, without gas and no GMOs.
A Precious Spice Also known as Ginger, Ginger is a root native to Asia. Already over 2000 years ago the Greeks and Romans imported it, but only from the end of the 13th century did it spread to the rest of Europe.
Very popular in the East, it aromatizes not only savory preparations, but also sweets, biscuits, fruits such as bananas and apples, jams and drinks.
Ginger is also grown in tropical countries and warm regions of countries with a temperate climate.
Not surprisingly, cultivation has recently spread to Sicily, in the Ragusa area.
The technique is the traditional one of squeezing olive oil.
The spices are pressed at temperatures no higher than 27 ° C allowing the nutrients to be preserved at their best.
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